PHOTOS: Sending sustenance

Volunteer Mary Rawls carries donations for the 20th annual Supper for Six food drive to the United Way of the Franklin & Hampshire Region’s Davis Street offices in Greenfield on Thursday.

Volunteer Mary Rawls carries donations for the 20th annual Supper for Six food drive to the United Way of the Franklin & Hampshire Region’s Davis Street offices in Greenfield on Thursday. STAFF PHOTO/PAUL FRANZ

Volunteer Denise Mason carries donations for the 20th annual Supper for Six food drive to the United Way of the Franklin & Hampshire Region’s Davis Street offices in Greenfield on Thursday.

Volunteer Denise Mason carries donations for the 20th annual Supper for Six food drive to the United Way of the Franklin & Hampshire Region’s Davis Street offices in Greenfield on Thursday. STAFF PHOTO/PAUL FRANZ

Employee Elsa Kieffer piles donations for the 20th annual Supper for Six food drive into the United Way of the Franklin & Hampshire Region’s Davis Street offices in Greenfield on Thursday.

Employee Elsa Kieffer piles donations for the 20th annual Supper for Six food drive into the United Way of the Franklin & Hampshire Region’s Davis Street offices in Greenfield on Thursday. STAFF PHOTO/PAUL FRANZ

United Way of the Franklin & Hampshire Region Executive Director Geoff Naunheim carries donations for the 20th annual Supper for Six food drive with volunteers James Bresciano, 9, and Gabriel Heineman, 10, both of Greenfield, to the Davis Street offices in Greenfield on Thursday. Thanks to those who contributed, 403 local families will receive help putting food on the dinner table over February school vacation week. This includes 350 bags collected, plus $2,666 in monetary donations that will feed another 53 families. United Way partner agencies that will distribute the food to families are: Big Brothers Big Sisters of Western Mass, Community Action’s Center for Self-Reliance Food Pantry, the Franklin County Community Meals Program, the Mary Lyon Foundation, Montague Catholic Social Ministries, Greenfield’s Salvation Army and The United Arc.

United Way of the Franklin & Hampshire Region Executive Director Geoff Naunheim carries donations for the 20th annual Supper for Six food drive with volunteers James Bresciano, 9, and Gabriel Heineman, 10, both of Greenfield, to the Davis Street offices in Greenfield on Thursday. Thanks to those who contributed, 403 local families will receive help putting food on the dinner table over February school vacation week. This includes 350 bags collected, plus $2,666 in monetary donations that will feed another 53 families. United Way partner agencies that will distribute the food to families are: Big Brothers Big Sisters of Western Mass, Community Action’s Center for Self-Reliance Food Pantry, the Franklin County Community Meals Program, the Mary Lyon Foundation, Montague Catholic Social Ministries, Greenfield’s Salvation Army and The United Arc. STAFF PHOTO/PAUL FRANZ

Published: 02-18-2024 2:01 PM

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