My Turn: Wasteful spending in Deerfield 

Lum3n/via Pexels

Lum3n/via Pexels Lum3n/via Pexels


Published: 01-14-2024 5:08 PM

I read the article in the Recorder and am in agreement with resident Charlene Galenski about the raising of assessments in town. And now borrowing $5 million for road repair. The roadwork borrowing of money was voted down, but the town will hold election after election until it passes. And elections cost money, too.

Deerfield needs about $20 million more work just to fix the sewer plant. We have spent countless money on the schools, from $3 million for seven roofs at the grammar school and almost $1 million on a track with a few cracks at Frontier. Next at Frontier is the new boiler at half a million and now new tennis courts with 89 students graduating this past year. And with buses going by our property, about 40 a day, with two kids on each bus, what a waste of money and what a stink. Why can’t they have vans and go through town so we can breathe? Plus the traffic is horrendous and no one even stops at the stop signs.

Our assessments were raised again this year, making our house value at three times what we paid for it. With higher taxes and about 30 trains going by our house daily at 80 miles per hour, laying on their horns, polluting the air and starting at 4:30 am daily, who wants to live here?

We have lived here over 30 years and I have complained about the trains and wasteful spending to the town administrator and members of the Select Board. Nothing was ever done. The railroad has too much power and they don’t even stop in Deerfield, never mind never fixing the overpass on North Main Street.

And now I find out eight years ago there was the issue of the private schools paying 25% in taxes which never happened. Even though Deerfield Academy just got an $85 million gift, did the town see any of that money?

I am afraid we are going to have move south where housing is cheaper and cost of living is lower. I think more and more of the town folk will be moving out soon and then who will pay? Most of the seniors are at the brink of having to move, so no one will be left. Never mind we have no senior center, nor senior housing.

Then what will Deerfield do?

Shirley Majewski lives in South Deerfield. 

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