Brandi Wyman: Learn the difference between humor and hate

Lum3n/via Pexels
Published: 01-11-2025 10:12 AM |
A challenge to those who were so deeply offended at the holiday music parody by Gary Bourbeau [”Trashing thru the snow, as MAGA rules the day,” Recorder, Dec. 21].
Take a few moments to review the op-ed pages of November 2024, and if you have a little extra time go back through this entire election season, and if you have a ton of time go all the way back to the 2015 golden escalator announcement. You will read some of the most vile comments, accusations, insinuations, manure-slinging, hate-filled words.
There is a vital difference between the content of the Recorder’s favorite columnists and community opinion letters and Mr. Bourbeau’s His were directed at the former political (failed) establishment, while the writers of the opposing persuasion often direct their hatred at the supporters and their conservative social, political, and even religious views. “How could a Christian be a Trump supporter (fascists)?” Take a look back and learn the difference between humor and hate.
Brandi Wyman