Joyce Palmer-Fortune: In gratitude to local and regional investors

Lum3n/via Pexels

Published: 10-02-2024 6:36 PM

I would like to add my voice to the chorus of people who are grateful to the folks at Northeast Biodiesel for their hard work trying to establish a local non-fossil-fuel source for transportation fuel and heating oil.

I am especially grateful to local and regional investors, like Mass Development, the Life Initiative, the Local Enterprise Assistance Fund, the Franklin County Community Development Corp. Loan Fund and the Coop Fund of the Northeast, which were willing to take a chance on this one-of-a-kind community-based venture.

In a world made more uncertain by climate change, we struggle to know what to do reduce our CO2 emissions. I, for one, am grateful that our community tried for this ambitious project, and that our regional partners were willing to invest in local low-carbon energy production. The ultimate fate of the facility will depend on whether there will be a buyer for the Greenfield facility who can see this project through to a successful biodiesel production plant. I appreciate the willingness of these lenders to invest in our community.

Joyce Palmer-Fortune


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