Laurie Boosahda: Our taxes are funding the war in Gaza

Lum3n/via Pexels

Lum3n/via Pexels Lum3n/via Pexels

Published: 01-17-2024 3:53 PM

I urge every tax-paying adult to contact your senator and representative and insist that the U.S. government stop sending funding and weapons to the Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu. Congress is poised to vote on a package of $14.3 billion of military aid, which will only fuel the ongoing annihilation of the Palestinians in Gaza. Instead, please ask our legislators to advance Sen. Bernie Sanders’ resolution S. 504, under Section 502B(c) of the Foreign Assistance Act (22 U.S.C. § 2304) requiring a report on Israel’s human rights practices and U.S. military aid to Israel.

After months of devastation in Gaza, there is an urgent need for a meaningful debate on U.S. support for Israeli operations in Gaza and the West Bank, including the extent to which U.S. military aid may be supporting violations of international human rights and humanitarian law. Despite suggestions by the president and others, the Israeli Defense Forces have not minimized civilian casualties. Over 22,000 Palestinians have died, and disease and starvation are rampant. U.S. aid has not been limited to Israeli defense. It is ineffective and disingenuous for the United States to send millions in humanitarian aid while supplying billions in weapons. Gaza has been under siege for over 100 days. If the U.S. continues funding this war, Israel has no mandate to maintain a cease-fire and negotiate for peace. Where will this end?

Laurie Boosahda

South Deerfield

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