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Keyword search: Iron Horse

‘Rock ’n’ roll was our religion’: In the wake of his best friend’s death, Jeffrey Foucault releases ‘Universal Fire’
08-30-2024 1:50 PM


The New Yorker once called Jeffrey Foucault’s music “Beat-up troubadour folk whittled to dolorous perfection.” Now try all that with electric guitars.Foucault, a Wisconsin native who now lives in Shelburne Falls, will appear with his band Friday night...

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Stairway to heaven in your own backyard: Summer concerts in the Valley for classic rock enthusiasts
06-21-2024 10:30 AM


Last week in Northampton, Lez Zeppelin, an all-female Led Zeppelin tribute band, rocked the stage at Iron Horse Music Hall, bringing an electric and mesmerizing performance to the packed audience.“We are just true to the spirit of the band, which is...

Sounds Local: Watermelon Wednesdays celebrates 25 years of acoustic music series: Plus, Iron Horse announces initial lineup
02-21-2024 2:05 PM


Watermelon Wednesdays, the acoustic music series that presents concerts and workshops at the historic West Whately Chapel and the Whately Town Hall, will celebrate its 25th year in 2024. Paul Newlin of Whately, a devout music fan, heads up the series,...

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