Bill and Jean Gran: Heath Select Board needs Mike Smith’s broad experience

The Heath Municipal Offices

The Heath Municipal Offices STAFF FILE PHOTO/PAUL FRANZ

Published: 05-08-2024 6:27 PM

Modified: 05-09-2024 2:39 PM

Mike Smith has our votes for Heath Selectboard. He has a lifetime of experience as a child growing up in Heath and as an adult raising a family, and contributing decades of service to our community. He served 20 years as Heath’s highway superintendent and over 30 years as a volunteer firefighter and chief of the Heath Fire Department.

He also served 13 years as a Heath police officer. These positions have given Smith broad, in-depth experience in municipal management, planning, budgeting, and communication, all skills vitally important to serve as a Selectboard member.

He retired from Heath employment in 2015 to work as a professional educator and trainer through a UMass program to train highway workers and police in communities throughout the state. In this work, Smith has shared best practices in highway maintenance, infrastructure improvements, and communication in both large and small communities.

Mike Smith will bring his broad perspective and extensive experience to Heath through service in a new role as a member of the Heath Selectboard. It is hard to imagine a more qualified candidate for the Heath Selectboard.

Bill and Jean Gran
