$500K grant secured for Montague Center traffic-calming, pedestrian safety improvements

An aerial image of Montague Center. The town has received a nearly $500,000 grant from the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) for traffic-calming measures, as well as bicycle and pedestrian safety infrastructure improvements, in Montague Center. CONTRIBUTED PHOTO
Published: 02-03-2025 1:24 PM |
MONTAGUE — The town has received a nearly $500,000 grant from the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) for traffic-calming measures, as well as bicycle and pedestrian safety infrastructure improvements, in Montague Center.
According to Planning Director Maureen Pollock, the primary goal of the project is to “lower traffic speeds through the village of Montague Center and to improve pedestrian and cyclist safety.” She added that the application for this $499,682 Complete Streets Tier 3 construction grant, submitted in October 2024, was an interdepartmental effort between the Planning Department, Selectboard and Department of Public Works that also relied on public input to make the application “shine.”
The goal of improving roadway safety in Montague Center was identified in a 2018 Complete Streets Prioritization Plan. Montague has held public information sessions about these plans for the village within the past year.
Town Administrator Walter Ramsey explained that since 2017, the town has received $710,000 in Tier 3 construction funding to help complete projects in Montague, like sidewalk and crosswalk improvements, along with the installation of rapid flashing beacons and bicycle lanes.
“This latest award will bring investment in infrastructure improvements to over $1.2 [million],” he said.
The project area spans from the north end of Main Street where it meets Center Street and North Street, to the south end of Main Street ending just before South Street and West Street. The pedestrian safety improvements include replacing existing crosswalks and providing raised crosswalks, adding a traffic island at North and Main streets, extending the apex of the Main Street and Center Street intersection with a crosswalk for town common access, redefining painted lanes and replacing pedestrian ramps for accessibility.
Plans also include removing the southbound bus stop and shelter in front of the Montague Village Store and installing a cut-out to allow for an on-street vehicle parking space, while also installing a concrete pad and transition sidewalk at the existing northbound bus stop across the street in front of the Post Office. The Franklin Regional Transit Authority (FRTA) and Montague will provide a new shelter and bike rack at each bus stop.
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As for cycling accommodations, the roads in the village will be restriped, allowing for 5-foot-wide bicycle lanes with 3-foot buffers between cyclists and parked vehicles. There will also be redefined parking on Center Street to accommodate shoulder areas for bicycle use or on-street parking.
With this $499,682 grant in hand, final designs and bid-ready documents will be prepared this winter and spring, and provided to the Selectboard for review and approval before soliciting a contractor. The town will continue its community engagement and public outreach efforts as more details become available.
For more information, visit montague-ma.gov/p/1553/.
Erin-Leigh Hoffman can be reached at ehoffman@recorder.com or 413-930-4231.